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The Company

Corporate Intelligence & Security Management Pte Ltd (CISM)

Corporate Intelligence & Security Management Pte LTd or CISM as it is referred to was specially incorporated by ASIS in October 1999 to provide a dedicated security service for clients.

cism is licenced by the government of the republic of Singapore to conduct the business of providinf security services.

Our Vision

To be and remain a top class commercial security organisation in Singapore.

Our Mission

To provide guarding services to give maximum protection to our clients and their property.
To provide consultiing services and to provide the best investigative service where necessary.

Our Goal

CISM’s goal is to provide quality service in the industry and this is not measured in terms of the number of personnel employed or locations serviced.
CISM is focussed on Professionalism, integrity and Reliability – The hallmake of quality service.

Our Directors

The Directors of CISM together have more than 60 years of combined hands-on experience in directly operating security services. They have attended all major security seminars.

Our Services

CISM provides a lean and well structured Management-on-the-ground team which is unique in the industry. Our directors and Operations Manager are available at all times just a telephone call to address every need at each location where we procide a security service.

The Management Team and Supervisors conduct regular visits to each location that we serve. Our services come with an $2M Public Liability insurance coverage.

As security professtionals, we work as your corporate partner in crime prevention to project a credible and reliable image.

Our Recruitment Process

Recruitment of security personnel is done only by the Directors to specifically ensure the balance mix of physical attributes, attitude and aptitude for the provision of quality service.

The selected security personnel are given detailed in-house briefing and on-the-job training at the location they are being posted to.
They are also required to undergo Security Training WDA approved training schools and undergo WSQ Training.

They need to be able to communicate in and write english. The minimum educational requirement is a secondary two education.

We are proud to state that our security personnel are permanent staff providing effective and continuous coverage at the locations whee they serve with pride and dignity which make the difference to clients.

Our security officers enjoy salaries that are above prevailing market rates with medical and workmen’s compensation insurance benefits. Contented officers will always provide a good and dedicated service to all our clients.